Next Generation Audio, Video And Teleconferenceing

Taichung Municipal Taichung First Senior High School

The Taichung First Senior High School (TCFSH) is a senior high school in Taichung, Taiwan. TCFSH was the first high school founded by Taiwanese to educate their youngsters during the colonial days under Taiwan under Japanese rule.

The admission of Taichung First Senior High School is extremely competitive. Less than top 1% of scorers on the Basic Competence Test for Junior High School Students receive admission. A portion of graduates go on to attend university in Taiwan as well as worldwide, including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University, and the University of California, Berkeley. 

  • Country: Taichung City, Taiwan
  • Installed year: 2019
  • Installed system: 
    • SENATOR conference system (DCP1000, DCA660, DDB104, CDM1000, CDM-T5)
    • CCS4T ceiling speaker